Omniscope Classic
Native desktop app for in-memory data editing, processing and analysis,
with IOK file reporting and free Viewer
Omniscope Classic

Omniscope Classic, pictured above, is a native desktop application for in-memory data processing, editing and reporting.

You can register for a 30 days free trial, or use it unlicensed as a free viewer for IOK file reports. You need Windows or Mac to consume or create IOK file reports/workflows.

Included with Omniscope Evo

The latest download of Omniscope Evo also bundles Omniscope Classic. For example, on Windows, you’ll see both Omniscope Evo and Omniscope Classic shortcuts in the Start menu.

We recommend trying our latest version of Omniscope Evo, even if you need the Omniscope Classic app you know and love from 2.9. You will be able to continue working with your IOK reports and workflows, but also explore the new Evo app, a universally accessible web-based scalable next generation of Omniscope.

Previous version (Omniscope 2.9)

If required, you can continue to download past builds of Omniscope 2.9 on this page.
2.9 installer does not include the new Omniscope Evo app, and is no longer being updated.